There’s something incredibly freeing about letting go. It’s like a breath of fresh air after being underwater for too long. It’s a chance to start again, to move on from whatever was holding you back. And while it might not always be easy, it’s usually always worth it.
Sometimes, you might need a little help with the practice of letting go. That’s where affirmations can come in handy. Repeating positive statements to yourself can help you to believe them, and eventually, let go of the negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back.

How to use these affirmations for letting go
Everyone has different things that they need to let go of. First, it’s important to identify what, exactly, you need to let go of. This might be a person, a situation, an emotion, or anything else that is weighing you down. Once you’ve identified what it is, you can start to make a plan for letting it go. Combining these affirmations with a positive mindset and a solid plan is a good place to start.
For some people, the best (and easiest) way to let go is to simply walk away from the thing they need to let go of. This might mean ending a toxic relationship, quitting a job that’s making you miserable, or moving away from a place that holds too many bad memories. Choose a few affirmations that make you feel empowered and confident.
Some people find it helpful to talk about their feelings and what they’re going through. This can be with a therapist, a friend, or even just in a journal. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you to process them and start the process of letting go. A journal is also a great place to write down your affirmations (or a vision board).
Others might find it helpful to do something physical to release their emotions. This could involve exercise, dance, or any other activity that gets you moving and helps you to let out your feelings. Who doesn’t love dancing around to their favorite music? I also cannot promise that the Frozen song will not be stuck in your head today.

Affirmations for letting go
Now that you’ve identified what it is you’re trying to let go of, you can choose a few affirmations to help guide you through the process. These affirmations can be used just the way they are, or you can add a few words to make them more personal (which I do recommend!). Remember to be consistent with your affirmations and repeat them on a daily basis, or place them somewhere you see often as a visual reminder.
Affirmations for letting go of a relationship
Letting go of a relationship is incredibly difficult. Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a friendship, or any other type of relationship. It’s important to not only focus on yourself, but to open your heart to receiving love from others. You may also find some of these affirmations for friendship helpful as they can help you seek positivity and form new friendships.
- I am letting go of the past and moving on to a bright future.
- I am grateful for my relationships and I am ready to focus on myself
- I am releasing all resentments, grudges, and bitterness.
- I am choosing forgiveness over anger and hatred.
- I am no longer allowing my past to define me or hold me back.
- I am giving myself permission to move on and be happy.
- I am taking responsibility for my own happiness.
- I am detaching myself from toxic people and situations.
- I am setting boundaries with others and taking care of myself first.
- I am listening to my intuition and following my heart.
- I am trusting the process of life and know that everything happens for a reason.
- I am making peace with myself and accepting myself just as I am.
- I am taking baby steps each day and celebrating my progress.
- I am surrounded by love and support from the Universe.
- I am attracting healthy, positive, and loving relationships into my life.
- Everything is working out for my highest good.
- I have faith that everything will work out in the end, even if it’s not what I expected.
- I am no longer attached to my hurt and pain.
- I am choosing to forgive those who have hurt me in the past.
- I am a magnet for happy, loving relationships.
- I am letting go of the past and I am ready to love again.

Affirmations for letting go of expectations
We all have expectations and usually, they’re based on our past experiences. If we’ve been hurt or disappointed in the past, it’s only natural that we’ll have some fears and expectations around that same experience happening again. But if we want to heal and move on, it’s important to let go of those expectations. It’s also important to let go of expectations that are not realistic or reasonable in order to better manage our stress and avoid setting ourselves up for disappointment. You may also find these affirmations for not caring what others think very helpful.
- I am releasing all expectations of how things “should” be.
- I am letting go of the need to control everything and everyone.
- I am detaching myself from the outcome of every situation.
- I am no longer attached to material possessions or what others think of me.
- I am choosing to live in the present moment and enjoy each day fully.
- I am accepting people and situations as they are, without judgement or attachment.
- I am open to new possibilities and infinite potentiality.
- Everything happens for a reason, even if I don’t understand it in the moment.
- I am grateful for everything, even the challenges and tough times.
- I am learning and growing from every experience, good or bad.
- I am choosing to focus on the good in every situation.
- I am creating my own reality with my thoughts, words, and actions.
- I am responsible for my own happiness and success.
- My happiness does not depend on anyone or anything else but me.
- I deserve all good things life has to offer me.
- I am no longer setting rules or guidelines for how things “should” happen in my life.
- I accept change with an open mind and an open heart.

Affirmations for letting go of anger
For some, anger can be difficult to control. If you’re someone who struggles with anger, know that you’re not alone. These affirmations for anger management can help you work through your anger in a healthy way. I also suggest combining these affirmations with meditation or gratitude.
- I am no longer allowing anger to control my life.
- I am letting go of all my anger and resentment.
- I am choosing peace and forgiveness over anger and hatred.
- I am choosing happiness and peace.
- I am choosing to be calm and collected in stressful situations.
- I attract and radiate positive energy.
- I never allow my emotions to get the best of me-I am always in control.
- Every action of mine is driven by kindness.
- I am a magnet for positive energy.
- I turn my anger and stress into creative solutions when faced with problems.
- Every morning, I wake up feeling content and at ease.
- My every move is motivated by compassion.
- I create long-term relationships with no room for negativity.
- I am in control of my emotions and reactions.
- I take charge of my emotions and reactions by taking responsibility for them.

Affirmations for letting go of fear
Fear can be debilitating. It can prevent us from taking risks, challenging ourselves, and reaching our full potential. But it doesn’t have to control our lives! These affirmations for overcoming fear can help you push through your fears work towards happiness.
- I am facing my fears and moving through them.
- I am no longer allowing fear to control me or hold me back.
- I am brave and confident, even when things are tough.
- I am safe, loved, and protected, even when I am afraid.
- Everything will be okay in the end, even if it’s not what I expected.
- I am surrounded by love and support, even when I am feeling alone.
- I trust the process of life and know that things happen for a reason.
- I am letting go of fear and opening up to new possibilities.
- I am willing to take risks and step outside my comfort zone.
- I am capable of handling whatever life throws my way.
- No matter the outcome, know that it will be for the best in the end.
- I am strong, resilient, and can overcome anything.
- I am worthy of love, happiness, and success.
- I am eager to take chances and bravely step outside of my comfort zone.
- I am gaining strength by facing my fears and working through them.
- Fear does not control or hold me back any longer.
- I have faith in the natural unfolding of life and believe that there is a hidden purpose to everything that transpires.

And so, we come to the end of another journey. This time, it’s about learning to let go. When we let go, we make room for new and better things to come into our lives. I hope these affirmations have helped you to do just that.
Leave a comment below with any affirmations you find really helpful in your journey. It’s possible another person may benefit from your words, and I would love to share them on this list. You can even leave an affirmation below as a way of visualizing it for yourself.
Let go, and let the good come to you!
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