The way you start your morning has a major impact on how the rest of your day goes. If you start your day off feeling grumpy or stressed, it can be difficult to shake that off and feel productive.
But, if you start your day off with a positive attitude, you can set the tone for a great day ahead! In my experience, a few small changes can make a huge difference. Here are some practical tips for how to start your day in a good mood.
1. Get enough sleep
It all begins the night before. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep so you don’t wake up feeling exhausted and grumpy. Most people need at least 8 hours of sleep per night to feel refreshed, but this can vary from person to person.
If you’re not well-rested, it’s really difficult to think clearly and be your most productive self. Is there anything worse than brain fog when you’re trying to get things done? I think not! So, be sure you’re hitting the sheets at a reasonable hour.
2. Avoid technology when you first wake up
I’m guilty of the temptation myself. It can quickly become routine to roll over and start scrolling social media. But, this can set you up for a really stressful day. Checking your email or social media first thing can create a lot of pressure before you even get out of bed.
Try avoiding technology for the first 20 minutes after you wake up. If you can go longer than that, even better! Spend some time relaxing while you eat your breakfast, and maybe write in a journal. This will help keep you from feeling overwhelmed. That email can wait a few more minutes.
3. Change your alarm tune
Have you ever been out in public, only to hear your alarm sound going off as someone else’s ringtone? It’s the worst! Starting your day off with a jarring alarm sound is not the best way to set yourself up for a good mood.
Instead, use a happy tune that you enjoy. I also recommend using a “slow alarm” to wake up more gradually. Sunrise lamps are also a great option. They allow your body to wake up slow and natural, like you’re supposed to!
4. Make your bed right away
Making your bed in the morning only takes a couple of minutes. And, it’s a simple way to start your day off feeling accomplished. Call me crazy, but I think my days just go a little more smoothly when I make my bed.
When your day comes to an end, you’ll be really happy you took the few extra moments to make your bed. I love the way it brings the whole room together and makes it look tidy with minimal effort.
5. Do a simple stretch
Stretching is a great way to get the blood flowing and start your day off on a positive note. It helps you relax and loosens up all of your muscles. You don’t need to do anything crazy, either. A few simple stretches will do just fine, even if it’s only for 5 minutes!
There are plenty of free stretches available on YouTube if you’re looking for ideas.
6. Drink a large glass of water
Many of us wake up in the morning feeling thirsty and a little dehydrated. Drinking a large glass of water as soon as you wake up is a simple way to instantly feel refreshed. Most of us don’t drink enough water during the day as it is!
Start your morning off with a tall glass, and maybe even squeeze a little lemon in it. It’s the perfect way to wake up and hydrate your body.
7. Do a quick meditation
If there is one way to focus and clear your mind before you begin your day, it’s meditation. There are lots of guided meditations online that can help you get started (and they’re free!). Check YouTube or Spotify. You only need 5-10 minutes a day to start the practice.
I love meditating in the morning because it helps me feel more centered and calm. I suggest picking up a book on meditation to learn more about the habit and all of the benefits.
There’s no need to do anything complicated, either. Just find a comfortable spot and focus on your breathing.
8. Make a to-do list
I like making a to-do list first thing in the morning as I eat breakfast. It helps me stay organized and focused during the day. It’s a good idea to list out the tasks you need to complete to help you stay on track.
All you need is a pen and paper. You can also write your to-do list before falling asleep. That way, it works kind of like a brain dump and helps you clear your mind. Then, you can rest easy and not worry about forgetting anything or feeling overwhelmed. Just be sure to give yourself adequate time to wake up in the morning before you start to tackle your to-do list!
9. Eat a healthy breakfast
Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day. It provides you the energy you need to feel good and get your day started off on the right foot.
When you skip breakfast, you can feel tired and groggy. Be sure to choose a filling breakfast that is also nutritious. If you find that you’re constantly rushing around in the morning, consider making your breakfast the night before to make it a bit easier. Overnight oats anyone?
10. Put on some cheerful music
Music is the easiest way to set the mood and get pumped for the day ahead. Choose a few happy songs and make a morning playlist.
This will help you feel positive as you start your day. You can play the playlist while you’re getting ready, or while you’re driving on your commute.
11. Spend time outside
It’s no secret that a little bit of sunshine can improve your mood and energy. I like to get a bit of fresh air in the morning when I can. Go for a quick walk or bike ride if you have the time. You can also just sit outside and enjoy your coffee.
Nature has a calming effect, and the sunshine also really helps with starting your day off more positive.
12. Start your day with a positive affirmation
Increase your positive self-talk with affirmations. Positive affirmations can remind you of all your strengths and boost your confidence before you start your day.
Choose a few affirmations that resonate with you and repeat them each morning. We have a whole list of positive affirmations to start your morning off. Here are a few examples:
- I am capable and I can do anything I set my mind to
- I am happy and I deserve to be happy
- I am grateful for all the good in my life
- I am strong and I can handle whatever comes my way
- I am a loving and caring person
13. Plan something good for the day
I feel like the days go by so much better when you have something to look forward to. There’s nothing like being excited about the day ahead.
Plan a trip to your favorite restaurant, or a day trip to a place you like to visit. Knowing you have something to look forward to will help keep a smile on your face.
14. Declutter your space
Nothing brings me down more than clutter. Take a few minutes each day to declutter your office space, your car, or your home. Before going to bed, be sure there are no dishes in the sink. Make sure the coffee maker is clean and your dresser isn’t cluttered.
When you wake up, you’ll feel a lot better because you took the time to create a more positive environment for yourself.
15. Write in a journal
You can journal in the evening before bed to clear your mind, or first thing in the morning to tap into your subconscious. Journaling you dreams can help you do this. Jotting down positive affirmations, inspirational quotes, or a bullet list are all good ways to start your day off right.
You don’t need to start a journal specifically about your dreams. There are many types of journals you can create and write in right after you wake up.
16. Visualize your goals
Visualization is powerful because it motivates you while also helping you focus on your goals. When you actively visualize what you want, you create a clear picture in your mind. This helps to increase your chances of success.
Take the time each morning your visualize yourself having a great day. See yourself accomplishing everything you desire in great detail. Allow yourself to feel all the positive emotions that come with visualization.
You can even create a vision board!
17. Write down what you’re grateful for
Practicing gratitude is a sure way to increase your happiness and positivity. When you take time to appreciate all the good in your life, you’ll naturally feel better. Take a few minutes each morning to reflect on the things you are grateful for.
You may also want to start a gratitude journal or a vision board dedicated to all the things you appreciate.
18. Practice self-care and kindness
Being kind to yourself is one of the best things you can do for your happiness. When you’re kind to yourself, it is more likely you’ll be kind to others as well. This spreads the circle of positivity.
Self-care doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. A few simple things, like enjoying your breakfast, taking a nice bath, or spending extra time on your make-up in the morning can be enough to make you feel good.
19. Get organized
Getting organized means different things for different people. I like to organize my life into categories for the best productivity. When your mind, as well as your space is neat and tidy, you’ll feel less stressed. This allows for more productivity and positivity.
Spend the time you need organizing your space before you go to bed. In the morning, make a to-do list to organize your mind. You’ll be surprised how much better you feel.
20. Get a little bit of exercise
There’s nothing like getting exercise first thing in the morning. I mean right well you roll out of bed, before you even have your coffee.
It will release endorphins, improve your mood, and get your blood moving. It’s a good thing!
Choose a few exercises that you enjoy and do them each morning. This could be anything from a quick jog to a yoga class on YouTube.
21. Spend time with loved ones
Spending time with people you love can be a quick way to boost your mood before you start your day. Spend some quality time chatting with your spouse, play with your children, your talk on the phone with a close friend.
You’ll start your day with joy and happiness while also strengthening important relationships.
There are so many small steps you can take to start your day in a good mood. Hopefully, these tips have inspired you to be happier and more positive!
So, next time you wake up, give one of these ideas a try.
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