Let’s talk about positivity for a moment. Positivity can be found in many forms: a smile from a stranger, a kind word when you’re feeling down, or even just the sun shining after a long period of rain. Have you ever noticed how you feel when you see a rainbow? Okay, maybe that sounds a bit cheesy, but the truth is… positivity is powerful! It has the ability to change your entire outlook on life and make every day so much better.

Before we get really into it, don’t forget to check out our Free Positive Mindset Workbook!
What is the law of attraction?
There has been a lot of buzz lately about the law of attraction. You may have seen the documentary on Netflix, or just heard about it through crazy Aunt Linda. I mean, is it crazy? It’s actually not! Simply put, the law of attraction is the belief that positive thoughts bring positive things into your life.
So, if you’re feeling good and thinking happy thoughts, you’re more likely to attract good things into your life. On the other hand, if you’re feeling negative and thinking negative thoughts, you’re more likely to attract negativity into your life. Sounds easy enough, right?
The law of attraction is often misunderstood. People think that if they just wish hard enough, all of their dreams and desires will come true. Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple.
I mean really, is anything in life that simple? Let me just close my eyes and visualize myself on a tropical island with a frozen beverage and hope the magical law of attraction elves carry me away. No! It does not work like that. The law of attraction is a bit like the laws of physics. You have to put in some effort to get results.
In order to use the law of attraction, you need to focus your thoughts on what you want. That might sound easy, but it’s actually quite difficult to do. Our minds are constantly bombarded with negative thoughts and outside distractions, so it can be hard to focus on what we want.
The best thing to do is work on shifting your mindset to be more positive. Harness the energy and positivity from the universe. I don’t want to risk sounding too woo-woo, so I’ll stop there. But the truth is, there is plenty of positive energy in the universe – you just need to want it.
You might also want to read about how to raise your vibration!
Let’s get personal: I used to be a very negative person. I would always focus on the bad in every situation and never allow myself to be happy. It just felt easier and more natural to have a mindset around negative thinking. I held grudges, I judged others, and I was likely a miserable person to be around. After discovering the power of positivity, I started to change my ways.
It wasn’t easy and it took years to master. I began to focus on the good things in life, and soon I began to attract positive energy from the universe. I practiced gratitude and incorporated meditation into my daily routine. This new energy made me happier and more optimistic, and it helped me to overcome all of the negative things that were happening in my life.
I am now a much bubblier person, and while I still have bad days, my life has completely turned around.
So, how can we bring more positive energy into our lives? It turns out, there are a number of things we can do to attract positive energy from the universe. Here is a handy-dandy-little-list to get your started.
1. Be grateful for what you have
One of the best ways to attract positive energy is to focus on all of the good in your life. Having trouble finding things to be grateful for? Don’t sweat it! We actually have a list of 500 things to be grateful for. Make it a point to express gratitude for your blessings, big and small. This could be anything from your health to your happy home life.
The more grateful you are, the more good things will come your way. You don’t have to overthink it. Start a gratitude journal, practice gratitude activities, do a gratitude challenge, and make gratitude a daily part of your life. It is one of the easiest ways to bring more positive energy in from the universe.
2. Send out positive vibes
Have you heard the old saying “you get what you give”? Sorry, hopefully that New Radicals song won’t be stuck in your head all day. I do believe these are wise words to live by. Another way to attract positive energy is to focus on sending out positive vibes into the world.
You can do this in a number of ways: through your words, your actions, and even your thoughts. When you focus on being positive yourself, you’ll start to see more positivity come back into your life. It’s funny how that works.

3. Help others
Another way to attract positive energy from the universe is to focus on helping others. Whether it’s through volunteering, donating to charity, or simply lending a helping hand to someone in need, when you focus on making the world a better place, positive energy and good things will come right back to you.
Enjoy spending time with animals? Volunteer at your local animal rescue. Hanging out with adorable kittens and puppies can only be a good thing, right? If you don’t have the time to volunteer, that’s okay too. Helping others comes in many forms – big and small.
4. Meditate
Ahh.. meditation! Meditation is a great way to clear your mind and focus on the positive. When you take some time each day to sit in silence and focus on your breath, you’ll find that your mind becomes more calm and clear. From there, you can focus on attracting positive energy into your life. Honestly, for being so simple, meditation is a difficult practice to start. Where do you start?
There are so many great apps, podcasts, meditation books, and resources out there to help you on your journey. Start with 5 minutes a day. Seriously, that’s it. You can work up gradually as you become more comfortable working meditation and mindfulness into your daily routine.

5. Surround yourself with positive people
It may seem like a no-brainer, but one of the best ways to attract positive energy is to surround yourself with positive people. When you’re around others who radiate good vibes, it’s easier to focus on the positive yourself. So, make an effort to spend time with friends and loved ones who make you feel good and who will support your journey towards a more positive life.
Honestly, why would you spend time with anyone else?! Check out these blogs about positivity if you need a little break from negative news.

6. Practice visualization
Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you attract positive energy into your life. When you take some time each day to close your eyes and visualize the life you want to live, you’ll be surprised at how quickly good things start to happen. Of course, positive visualization works best in conjunction with other things. It’s not as simple as just “think and you shall receive”. I don’t need to talk about closing your eyes and picturing the beach again, we’ve had enough of that.
Vision boards are a great way to help with visualization. If you make your goals visual and tangible, you’re more likely to reach them. So, don’t be afraid to dream big and imagine all of the wonderful things that are coming your way!
7. Be patient
Patience! Patience! Patience! It’s one of those things that is just so difficult sometimes. When it comes to attracting positive energy into your life, remember to be patient. It might take some time to see results, but if you stay focused on your goals and keep putting out good vibes, eventually all of that positive energy will come back to you. So, don’t give up – your best life is waiting for you!
8. Live in the present moment
When you’re caught up in worrying about the past or stressing about the future, you’re not able to fully appreciate all of the good that’s happening right now. So, take a deep breath and enjoy all of the amazing things that are happening in your life at this very moment. It’s not easy to do. However, if you put a bit of effort in to slow down, you’ll find more positivity making its way into your life.

9. Focus on your affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself on a daily basis. When you focus on affirming the good in your life, you’ll start to see more of it come into your reality. So, take some time each day to repeat positive statements like, “I am worthy of love and happiness” or “I am surrounded by abundance.” If you need ideas, there are tons of affirmations here on Mello Woman!
10. Listen to positive music
One of my favorite ways to attract positive energy is to fill your life with positive music. So, what exactly is positive music? It’s any music that makes you feel good! When you listen to upbeat, happy tunes, it’s easier to focus on the good in your life. So, make a playlist of your favorite feel-good songs and listen to it often. Before you know it, you’ll start to see more positivity trickling in.
11. Be kind to yourself
Last but not least, one of the best ways to attract positive energy from the universe is to focus on being kind to yourself. When you treat yourself with love and respect, good things will start to happen in your life. So, make an effort to practice self-care and do things that make you happy. When you take care of yourself, you’ll be surprised at how much better you feel – and how much more positive energy will come your way.
Now that you know how to attract positive energy from the universe, it’s time to put these tips into action. Just remember to be patient, stay positive, and surround yourself with good vibes, and soon enough you’ll start to see all of the wonderful things that the universe has in store
Thank you for the list. Now I feel much better, because I am reminded of why I should be grateful. I will take it from here.